In our early episode “Wicked Part of Me” we touched on a few cases straight off of Washington’s, now former, Death Row. In today’s case, we’ll dive deep into one of those cases, the story of Cal Brown, a picture-perfect example of how parole can go very wrong and innocent people can end up dead.
Episode Host: Alisha Holland

Cal Coburn Brown
Washington state eliminates death penalty from law | CNN Politics | Oregon Recidivism Analysis | The News Tribune Dec 1, 1993- Testimony | State v. Brown, 132 Wn. 2d 529 | Casetext Search + Citator | Statesman Journal Sept. 20, 1992- A Father's Grief Turns Into Rage and Hate | Uttecht v. Brown - Wikipedia | Corvallis Gazette-Times April 18, 1984- Judge Orders 15-year term for assault | Corvallis Gazette-Times Jan 6, 1984- Rape-Try jury stays out late | Statesman Journal May 28, 1991- Oregon Parolee Linked to Knifings in Wash., Calif. | Cal Coburn Brown's final statement before death | News | | Oregon Recidivism Analysis