Many deaths are shrouded in mystery with loved ones going entire lifetimes without ever knowing the truth. A woman in Alabama is working diligently with her family to ensure that her sister’s mysterious death doesn’t remain uninvestigated. When Breana Noojin Nix, a 32-year-old nurse, was found unresponsive in her bathroom by her husband of 9 years, a secret life that no one expected was uncovered. After paramedics couldn’t revive her, her death was quickly ruled accidental, but many people believe that is not the case and that a murder was being covered up. What really happened in the last 4 hours of Breana’s life?

Breana Noojin Nix
Breana and her husband Steven Nix (Courtesy of Facebook)
Evidence presented to Breana's family (courtesy of Facebook and Instagram)

Facebook - Justice for Breana Noojin Nix | - Make Breana Nix’s Autopsy Report Public | GoFundMe - Justice for Breana Noojin Nix | Reddit - True Crime Discussion | Gardendale Heritage Funeral Home - Breana Leigh Noojin Nix | Left Undone - Justice for Breana Noojin Nix (Interview with Brittany) |