In December of 2011, the tiny city of Deer Park, Washington, was shaken by the horrific news that a local mother of five was found murdered in her own bed. Over the course of the investigation, police pieced together a grim scene. A man broke into her home and laid in wait for his opportunity to strike. He then violently murdered her and left her body in a state to humiliate and degrade her. To this day, there is a line drawn in the sand, and a family is divided on who that man was. Was it a stranger? Was it an online lover? Was it her ex-husband? Though a man sits in prison convicted, by his peers, of the horrific murder of Chanin Starbuck, some of the people closest to her can’t agree that he is the one who actually did it.

The Starbuck Family, photo courtesy of Facebook
Upper left to right: Austin Starbuck, Drew Starbuck, Jessie Starbuck
Middle left to right: Loghan Starbuck, Clay Starbuck, Chanin Starbuck, Blake Starbuck
Lower left to right: Marshall Starbuck, Sutton Starbuck
Chanin Conway Starbuck, photos courtesy of Dateline, Weremember, and Facebook
Clay and Chanin Starbuck, photos courtesy of Dateline
Clay and family at prison visiting, photos courtesy of Facebook

Photos from the scene: yard, Blanket, Stained mattress pad, nightstand
Photos courtesy of Dateline

Chanin's grave, photo courtesy of findagrave
Episode correction: At 34 minutes it's mentioned that Clay appealed in 2005, but that should be 2015.
State v Starbuck | Supreme Court Disc rev ( | KXLY - Graphic Court Testimony shows How Chanin Starbuck Died | 4 News Now - Children of murder victim believe suspect | 4 News Now - Court rejects Starbuck appeal | Dateline - A Cold December Morning | Spokesman - Police: Starbuck Hid Home Posed Ex Wife's Body | The Spokesman-Review - Judge Allows Post-Conviction DNA | Brother Desperate in Search for missing sister | Bad Marriages - Clay Starbuck Did Not Murder Chanin | 4 News Now - Starbuck Takes the Stand | Spokesman - Police: Starbuck posed ex wife’s body | KHQ 06 - A Lot of evidence wasn’t even tested | KHQ 06 - Body of 25 year old Loghan Starbuck has been found | Spokesman - 25-year-old pulled from Spokane River this winter | Findagrave - Chanin Denice Conway Starbuck | KHQ 06 - 911 Protocol not followed the day Chanin Starbuck was Murdered | The Spokesman-Review - 06.05.2013 Slain woman’s brother says ‘justice has finally been served’ | The Spokesman-Review - Judge Denies change in Starbuck’s bond |
This was sad. A beautiful woman and her beautiful family. I hope they got this one wrong about the husband, and that he was falsely accused. I guess we'll have to wait and see how the truth will pan out. May Chanin Starbuck rest in peace